Monday, September 26, 2016

Missions: Refugees part 2

Now the honeymoon has gone away, but we are still very much excited to be a part of this precious family's life. Because of the language gap, we have been using google translate, non-English versions, another person from their language group, made-up sign language, etc. And also because of that language gap, we have focused on activities rather than communication. 

So we went to the zoo, which they were not impressed with. We went coat shopping. We went to the biggest park in our city and played with styrofoam planes, rubber band planes, kites, sidewalk chalk, bubbles. We also played soccer.

Even though our communication is limited, we find ourselves very much in a caring, reciprocal relationship with this family. We could just sit back and enjoy that very much, but we also have to think of their spiritual need for relationship with God. It helps to talk to God throughout these relationships, because He keeps your focused on what is important.

But how can we communicate the message of the good news if we can't speak the language, yet? One of my friends called me and told me about how he had shared the story of Jesus in John 8 who defended and forgave a woman caught in adultery with someone from this people group and how it really blew their mind. I hope to print this story in their language and share it with them soon.

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